Custom Software Development
Boost your company's efficiency with a custom software solution that perfectly fits your business needs
Our software systems are tailored to unique requirements and support business processes without compromise
Digitization For Your Business
For a company, continuous digital development is essential to maintain competitiveness. Our company helps to leverage opportunities with high-quality custom software development services. With over 10 years of experience in systems tailored to unique needs, we understand that only close collaboration with our clients results in software that truly provides solutions to business requirements.
Custom Software Development
What is Custom Software Development?
Custom software development means that the developed software is based on the custom needs of the client making every feature fully customizable. There are no limitations, no compromises, the software is tailored to suit your business processes. You can be free from the constraints of inflexible, template systems. In the case of custom software you can dream big. From the impressive, unique, intuitive user interface to the customizable functionality the limit is your imagination. We build our systems from the ground-up instead of using existing components that tie our hands. On the flip side this level of freedom has its consequences, it means more development time and higher costs.
100% unique, tailored solution
0% limitation
100% freedom
Advantages of Custom Software Development
Adaptability to Changing Needs
Custom software can be supported and developed further over time to meet emerging business needs, offering flexibility to expand or modify existing features.
Fully Satisfying Business Needs
The software is completely tailored to your business processes without limitations. It is built from scratch for efficiency and effectiveness.
Optimal Operation
The system operates smoothly without redundant code, ensuring fast and optimal operation without unnecessary features.
Efficient System Integration
There are no restrictions on integrating with external systems, allowing you to choose services that best fit your business needs. The new custom system can also easily communicate with existing internal systems.
User-Friendly Interface
Custom software can have a clean, well-structured user interface, tailored for ease of use and efficiency.
Effective Support
Despite thorough testing, no software is without faults. Custom software allows for quick and efficient resolution of issues, unlike off-the-shelf products where updates depend on the owner of the product which makes debugging unpredictable.
Disadvantages of Custom Software Development
Longer Development Time
The development of custom functionality from scratch requires more development resources and takes a longer time.
Higher Costs
The development of unique features lead to higher costs compared to standard software solutions.
Our Services
We provide comprehensive custom software development services. Our company's experienced professionals are here to help you from planning through development to software support.
Creation of software specifications
Web app development
Mobile app development
Development of cross-platform desktop applications
Backend development
Application integration
Support and maintenance
Our principles
Principles of our Custom Software Development Service
The software should adapt to the business processes, not the other way around
The software should be efficient, focusing only on the purpose it is built for
Business software deserves to be built on the latest technologies as well
Transparent processes and effective customer communication
Indicators that it's time to develop a new, custom software
- There are manual operations that could significantly increase efficiency if digitized.
- Existing software is unable to adapt to changes in business processes, it is no longer expandable or modifiable.
- Discontinued active support for currently used software at the company.
- Multiple internal software systems are in use without integration.
- Outdated technology of existing software needs modernization.
- Current software doesn’t function properly on new hardware devices or it is not installable at all.
Technologies we rely on for Custom Software Development
Development Process
Process of Custom Software Development
Creating Software Specifications
Szoros együttműködés során kidolgozzuk, hogy az egyedi rendszer milyen funkciókat és hogyan valósítson, milyen rendszerszintű követelményeknek kell megfelelnie és milyen külső rendszerekkel szükséges kommunikálnia.
User Interface Design
A belső és külső használatra készült szoftverek esetén egyaránt fontos az átlátható, felhasználóbarát megjelenés.
Software Architecture Design
Az üzleti szoftver alapja egy skálázható, robusztus architektúra, ami hosszú távon biztosítja a változó üzleti igényekre szabott működést.
Az egyedi rendszer fejlesztése ciklusokban történik, minden ciklus végén a tesztelést követően az ügyfél számára elérhetővé tesszük az alkalmazást, így maga bizonyosodhat meg róla, hogy a fejlesztés a megfelelő ütemben és irányba halad.
A fejlesztési ciklusok végén, illetve a rendszer élesítése előtt átfogó tesztelés hajtunk végre mind automatikus, mint manuális tesztelési módszerekkel.
A felhasználói kézikönyvön és dokumentáción kívül igény szerint oktatás keretében mutatjuk be az szoftver működését a leendő felhasználóknak.
Delivery, Deployment
Átadunk minden fejlesztéshez kapcsolódó dokumentumot, forráskódot és élesítjük a szoftveres rendszert.
Hosszú távú támogatást biztosítunk, hogy naprakész maradjon a rendszer és le tudja követni az üzleti folyamatok változásait.
Biztosítjuk a zavartalan működést, elvégezzük a biztonsági mentéseket, erőforrás optimalizálást és monitorozzuk a rendszer állapotát.
Custom Software Development Prices
Custom Software Development FAQ
Here are the answers to the frequently asked questions
Who benefits from deciding on custom software development?
How long does it take to develop a custom software?
What is the payment schedule for custom software development?
Is there a guarantee for the custom software?
Contact us
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